Last week was simply amazing. I had the honor to present my first scientific paper in Austria at Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2015. I am very pleased with the whole week. I had the courage to take the path less travelled.
Digital Humanism Combines Rhetoric and Modern Marketing
Abstract: “In this paper I propose that there is a similarity between the rhetoric theory by Aristotle and modern marketing communication. Aristotle formulated the art of rhetoric into three simple devices: logos, pathos, and ethos. Speakers needed to be logical, emotional, and morally credible in order to influence others. Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan have stated that in the modern digital era marketers should see and target consumer as a whole human who consists of mind, heart, and spirit. Consumers expect digital marketing communication to be rationally appealing, increasingly personalized and ethical. We operate in a highly digitalized world that is connected across cultures. When the Internet makes all communication global, brands are being evaluated by consumer experience. Businesses should focus on quality and operate with testimonials. The similarities in classic rhetoric theory and the principles of modern marketing can be combined with digital humanism.”
Full paper: Kurkela Ilkka – Digital Humanism Combines Rhetoric and Modern Marketing
Guest lecturer at the International Week
During the week I met more than 100 people from around 30 countries including many professors of business education. I believe that sharing ideas with new people is the best way to learn. Especially if you can interact with people who come from different background than you. In this case the fact that people came from Canada, USA, China, Japan, Poland, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland – you name it! It was a unique possibility to develop understanding around education, learning, business, and life.
Additionally, I had the delight to be a guest lecturer to young enthusiastic students at the International week of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Management. Thank you all, it was a pleasure!
Memorable moments from Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2015