Category Archives: Yleinen

Positivity is the key

Think positively. If you focus on the good sides of life, you will end up with happier life! It’s all about attitude. Focus on the positivity.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Source: 10 tips how to overcome negative thoughs.

Positivity is the key


What I learned from Jeff Bullas – the #8 most powerful digital influencer in the world

Yesterday I had a wonderful chance to participate in the Digitalist Network seminar in which Jeff Bullas attended as the keynote speaker. The seminar was simply thrilling and I enjoyed every minute of it – especially Mr. Bullas’ speech about the importance of personal branding.
I always do my best to arrive early to these kind of events. This time coming early really paid off, as I had a chance to shake hands with Mr. Bullas and share a few thoughts about Digital marketing face-to-face.  Jeff’s best advice to me was this:

“Always have focus, passion and purpose in whatever you do.” 

Simple advice, but very important. Thanks Jeff!

It was a great honour to personally meet the person ranked #8 most powerful digital influencer in the world (Forbes) and connect in LinkedIn afterwards.

 Jeff Bullas LinkedIn


I strongly encourage everyone to come early to any networking event. This provides a possibility to meet interesting people and to have great conversations.

Jeff’s presentation about Personal Branding can be found below:

Finally, four links for you to enjoy:


Self-reflection: Three Key Learnings from eMBA

Life is great. I recently got a chance to start a new exciting job as a Senior Lecturer in Laurea University of Applied Sciences. The new challenges are really inspiring as I get to work with three things I am passioned about: digital business, education, and helping young talented people to learn and find jobs. Superb!

Now that I am still somewhat in between jobs, I thought that it would be useful to think back a bit and wrap up the three key learnings from my previous job as eMBA Director in MIF.

There are numerous studies about this simple but very effective tool, self-reflection. Ok, now let’s wrap things up, the three key learnings.

Matthew Luhn, Pixar, USA: “Quality is the best business plan”

Matthew Luhn

I had the chance to talk with the man behind the famous Cars & Toy Story movies. Matthew Luhn had some great ideas about story telling and business. His best advice to me was this: If you wish to make your business successful, make sure to pay attention to the quality of your products and services. After all, every customer has the possibility to spread opinions about your brand. Therefore, no matter what your product or service is, the best business plan is to make sure that the quality meets the expectations of your customer.

Petteri Kilpinen, CEO, GTW Group Ltd: “Focus on the potential”

Petteri Kilpinen

Leadership skills are essential to anyone who wants to achieve something big in life – whether it is business or personal. After many inspiring discussions with Mr. Kilpinen I can easily share his idea that every leader should focus on the potential  of the people he/she works with. If you inspire people and make sure that their potential is recognised they will become motivated and surely end up with better results. Recommended book: Petteri Kilpinen, Liekeissä)

Jaakko Alasaarela, CEO, ZEF Solutions: “Dream, Work Hard, and Never Give Up!”


I always feel extremely inspired when listening to Jaakko Alasaarela from ZEF Solutions. Jaakko’s company is helping people in decision-making globally and they are really doing an amazing job. One of the key learnings that I got from Jaakko is that you should always set a really high goal for whatever it is that you want to achieve. Once you have carefully chosen your goal start working really hard and make sure you NEVER give up – no matter how big the challenges are.

I cannot describe how hard it was to choose three learnings among the dozens of inspirational speakers in the program. However, these three are the ones that really made a difference in me.

Hope you enjoyed this! Please find more of my thoughts at

Welcome to Ilkka Kurkela’s Digital Business Realm


Do you need a lecturer who will inspire you and your colleagues? Want to learn  about the opportunities of digital business?

If yes, please send me email (ilkkakurkela at and I will be happy to discuss more!

Ilkka Kurkela’s Biography

Mr. Ilkka Kurkela, M.A., eMBA, FRSA, works as a Senior Business Economics Lecturer at Laurea University of Applied Sciences. He is a professional digitalist and popular lecturer with real-life marketing & social media experience from New York, Manhattan.

Ilkka Kurkela has finished his professional teacher education as online education. He has international experience from world’s best ranked business schools such as IMD (Switzerland), Berkeley (USA, California), Ashridge Business School (UK), Columbia University and New York University (USA). He orchestrated the international MIF eMBA Creative Leadership –program as the program director in 2012-2014. (More info) 

In March 2014 Ilkka Kurkela was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). RSA is a British organisation committed to finding practical solutions to today’s social challenges. The Society was founded in 1754. Charles Dickens, Adam Smith, Benjamin Franklin, Karl Marx and Stephen Hawking are some of the notable past and present members. RSA characterises itself as “an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges”. (More info)

In his personal life Ilkka Kurkela is a husband and proud dad of a 2-year-old daughter and a profound lover of drum’n’bass music. (More info)

Please visit at Ilkka Kurkela’s LinkedIn-page for more information.


Some references / testimonials

“Paras valmentaja! tosi ammattitaitoinen ja innostava kouluttaja, avasi hankalan aiheen mielenkiintoisesti ja sai asian tuntumaan helpolta”

“Todella hyvä ja innostava tilaisuus”

“Loistava kouluttaja! Mukautui hyvin myös ryhmän tarpeisiin ja kysymyksiin/toiveisiin Aiheesta olisi varmaan voinut puhua kolmannenkin päivän, mutta hyvä näinkin 2 päivää :)”

Please find more at references.