Hi everyone! Time to look back and reflect a bit about the first half of 2018. What a great time it has been from many perspectives. Work, Family, Sports, Books, Music.

It is easy to smile when you are surrounded with amazing colleagues!
Workwise, I started to work as a Development Manager in Laurea University of Applied Sciences in January with great enthusiasm. Being the team-leader of 25 amazing people in Business Management & Business Information Technology teams has been an incredible experience. I am soooooo grateful to have such magnificent colleagues around me – these people really energize me. Together, we are connecting the students and work life. Meaningful.
My personal journey at Laurea has already been filled with many inspiring moments both in Finland and internationally. Some personal Laurea highlights of 2018:
- We are happy to be part in the Trans-European Bachelor Programme. This cooperation with partner-universities took myself to unforgettable business trips to Belgium in February and France in May. The first international students will begin their studies in August – welcome!
- The UN World Summit Awards at Vienna in March was an extraordinary experience. We are currently deepening the cooperation with UN by involving Laurea’s students & lecturers to seek the best digital startups in Finland. Looking great so far!
- I am excited to develop Laurea’s forthcoming Online Degree in Business Information Technology with my team at Laurea. The brand new degree will start in Autumn 2019 and the students will have the possibility to study anywhere from the world, completely online. This is a massive project with lots of opportunities. Excited!
- The development of Laurea’s Business Management studies. We have more than 3000 students and over 100 colleagues working in this field. Big numbers, big responsibilities. Our vision is to maximize students’ satisfaction and learning outcomes, integrate students with worklife and offer global perspectives for our students.
- + tons of inspiring discussions, meetings, workshops with colleagues, partners, students…
Familywise things are excellent. Being especially proud of our 5-year-old daughter who has shown great interest and training attitude in figure skating. All my family-members are healthy and doing good. Gotta be grateful of that!
Sportwise I am extremely satisfied with the first half of the year. I am doing my very best to perform at the Finnish Pullup Championships in November later this year. My trainings so far have included quite a lot of running – total 600 km in 6 months. Now my plan is to switch the balance a bit more to the gym side. I have an excellent feeling. Doing lots of sports and eating healthy food has given me loads of energy for work as well. Balance is everything.
Bookwise I did some reading that I wish to share:
- Sinä Pystyt (Jaakko Alasaarela) was an awesome reading. No words can describe it – a must read for anyone. Believe in your dreams, work hard, and never give up. Thanks Jaakko!
- Another recommendation is Alex (Alexander Stubb), and interesting reading. It encouraged me to do my best in everything – and inspired towards more active sportslife.
- Also, I have to thank my colleague Tuija Partio for these great experiences: Elämänilon Salaisuus ja onnellisuuden tiede (Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche) and Esimies ja Coaching (Maria Carlsson / Christina Forssell). These books have inspired me to become more positive and inspiring person around people I spend time with.
- Additionally, did listen to lots of audiobooks, what a great way to learn.
Musicwise one of my dreams came true as our collaboration track “Soul Toucher” was released in a British DnB label MedSchool with my co-producer Juha “Esc” Riipinen.
Finally, just digged my old harddrive and found this breakbeat mix I recorded back in 2005. Just uploaded it to my soundcloud. Hope you enjoy it and the summer vibes!
I hope your first half of 2018 has also been a successful one. My biggest thanks to all colleagues and friends. Now it’s time to head off to summer vacation. I wish the best to you all, thanks for being around! 🙂