Monthly Archives: June 2014

Welcome to Ilkka Kurkela’s Digital Business Realm


Do you need a lecturer who will inspire you and your colleagues? Want to learn  about the opportunities of digital business?

If yes, please send me email (ilkkakurkela at and I will be happy to discuss more!

Ilkka Kurkela’s Biography

Mr. Ilkka Kurkela, M.A., eMBA, FRSA, works as a Senior Business Economics Lecturer at Laurea University of Applied Sciences. He is a professional digitalist and popular lecturer with real-life marketing & social media experience from New York, Manhattan.

Ilkka Kurkela has finished his professional teacher education as online education. He has international experience from world’s best ranked business schools such as IMD (Switzerland), Berkeley (USA, California), Ashridge Business School (UK), Columbia University and New York University (USA). He orchestrated the international MIF eMBA Creative Leadership –program as the program director in 2012-2014. (More info) 

In March 2014 Ilkka Kurkela was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). RSA is a British organisation committed to finding practical solutions to today’s social challenges. The Society was founded in 1754. Charles Dickens, Adam Smith, Benjamin Franklin, Karl Marx and Stephen Hawking are some of the notable past and present members. RSA characterises itself as “an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges”. (More info)

In his personal life Ilkka Kurkela is a husband and proud dad of a 2-year-old daughter and a profound lover of drum’n’bass music. (More info)

Please visit at Ilkka Kurkela’s LinkedIn-page for more information.


Some references / testimonials

“Paras valmentaja! tosi ammattitaitoinen ja innostava kouluttaja, avasi hankalan aiheen mielenkiintoisesti ja sai asian tuntumaan helpolta”

“Todella hyvä ja innostava tilaisuus”

“Loistava kouluttaja! Mukautui hyvin myös ryhmän tarpeisiin ja kysymyksiin/toiveisiin Aiheesta olisi varmaan voinut puhua kolmannenkin päivän, mutta hyvä näinkin 2 päivää :)”

Please find more at references.